Monday, August 27, 2012

One Week Has Passed Since My Rust Debut

Hi, Everyone!

Well, here it is—Monday, August 27, 2012, exactly one full week that I’ve been here in “The Sip.”  After a fun-filled weekend of visiting my great aunts and my cousins, I’m back here on the campus. Classes are done and I have the rest of the day to myself. Incidentally, I'm looking forward to this class called “Creative Expressions for Teachers,” but I don't take that class until my junior year. I’ve been told by my parents and my Gramma Jewel that I have a natural knack from teaching; both have even stated that I got that gift from my Grampa Clark. I believe that to be true, but I also believe that my natural nurturing instincts from every woman in my family—particularly my mom and my Gramma Jewel.

Apart from the aforementioned, there isn’t really much to talk about today. The only big news is that my mom and dad will leave for L.A. tomorrow, thus leaving me all by myself. I don’t know how I’m going to react when they leave, but I can tell you that already don’t like it.  I’m just sayin’—it’s bad enough that I’m over fifteen hundred miles away from home, but the fact that Mom and Dad are gonna leave me by my lonesome… I don’t even want to think about it. I’m getting teary-eyed already just thinking about it.

Pull yourself together, Natasha—you can do it!

Sometimes you just gotta encourage yourself, you know.

Well, anyway, that’s all the news I have that’s going on in my life. I’ll send you another update tomorrow, for sure. Later, Gators!

Hugs & Kisses,

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