Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Startling Revelation Regarding the Sciences

Happy Wednesday, Y’all!

First of all, I want to wish a Happy 44th Birthday to my Aunt Glo! I trust that Uncle Gregory, Cousin Matt, and Cousin Trisha are treating you like the queen that we all know you are. Keep on celebrating the entire month, Aunt Glo—love ya lots!

Before I delve into the topic of today’s blog post, I want to state for the record that I have never claimed to know everything. Sure, I may act like I know everything, but the truth of the matter is that I can pretend very well… okay, I have to fix that lie, too! I’m not that great of a pretender.

I said all of that to say this: Today was the first day of classes here at Rust, and I was given a rather startling revelation when I discovered that science and social science are two separate entities. Do you recall in yesterday’s blog post when I mentioned that both classes should be combined on account of the science? Well, y’all should’ve seen my face when I discovered the dichotomy of the two. First of all, they are similar in that they use the same scientific model in order to obtain information. They also have general laws that each science apply in their respective applications.

Now, here’s where we come to the differences: For starters, science (or natural science, as it is commonly called) is more familiar with the study of the physical and natural behaviors and phenomena without the social, cultural, or the human context or aspect. In other words, natural science deals with nature. As for social science, it pertains to the behavior of humans as a people, human societies, their production and operations. Social Science also deals with the cultural and human context, and tries to explain how the world works. Its main aim is to study the complex and changing phenomena that occur in human and social life and their interactions with one another.

And now that I think about it, I should’ve known that social science dealt with people, mainly because it is… well, social! Nevertheless, I learned a great deal in both classes today, as is evidenced by today’s blog post. Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday: I’m taking regular science at 8am, and I’m taking Social Science at 1pm. I’m actually thinking about taking an elective at 10:30am, just for the hell of it, but I’m not so sure if I want to do so just yet. Besides, I only have so many more classes until I have completed my Bachelor’s Degree. I’ll probably take an elective during summer school.

Okay, y’all—that’s gonna do it for today. I’ll holla at y’all later.

Peace Out,

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