Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Saga Continues in My Evening Class

Hey, Y’all!

Remember last Thursday’s blog post, when I told y’all about my classmate Craig—the one who walks me to my dorm on the nights that we have Foundations of Education class, and the same fella who boldly gave me a kiss on the cheek last Wednesday evening?

Well, y’all—yesterday evening was no different!

So, check this out: Yesterday in class, my professor split us into groups of two, and in doing so, Craig and I were the last chosen. I could be wrong, but I think Craig may have cheered within himself; he tried his best to hide his enthusiasm, but his facial expressions kept telling on him… hahaha! It was so cute, don’tcha know. In any event, our group assignment (which was for the duration of the class) was to tell each other our weaknesses, then ask each other how we as a teacher would turn said weakness into a strength. Allow me to elaborate further: When I was in elementary school—which was not that long ago—I was incredibly shy, and I was scared to look foolish if I got an answer wrong. Well, Craig said that if he encountered a student with my weakness, he would call me to stay after school and counsel with me and my parents, as opposed to blatant out-and-out embarrassing me in front of the class. He also said that if he decided to call on me during class, then he would use an encouraging demeanor and help boost up my esteem.

It was my turn to talk about how I would handle Craig’s weakness. For one thing, I was surprised to learn that when he was in elementary school, he was more of a loner and didn’t want to make friends on account he was often teased and ridiculed. I announced that if I was Craig’s teacher and I knew of his weakness, I would talk to the class as a whole, then I would talk to the parents, and finally I would talk to Craig personally and let him know that he could always confide in me.

After class ended, Craig walked me back to my dorm like usual, and then he gave me a kiss on the cheek—but this time, he handed me an envelope with my name on it. “Hopefully everything will be explained in the letter,” he said to me.

Well, I read the letter, and it was quite cute. To sum it all up, Craig basically told me that he had a crush on me and he thought I was cute. My favorite line in the letter was: “I know I should have manned up and told you personally as opposed to a letter, but everytime I tried to tell you, I got all choked up.”

You know, that’s really sweet of Craig to think that highly of me. For all I know, Craig could just have  a crush on me—I say that because I do not plan on leading him on in any way shape form, or fashion; that has never been my style. And as long as I can help it, I’m keeping it that way!

I’ll let y’all know what develops next time, but until then, y’all take care.


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