Thursday, December 10, 2015

Guess Who's Got A Date With Winston This Weekend!

Hi, Everybody!

And have I got some news for y’all—I’ve got a bowling date this Saturday afternoon with one Winston Campbell!

Yes, I know that I haven’t spoken about him as much, but I can assure you all that we have been keeping in touch over these past couple months. If you recall, we had a great first date back in October, and since then, we’ve been trying to plan for a second date. Lately it has been hit-and-miss, but just this afternoon, I paid a visit to the sandwich shop, and lo and behold—there was Winston! Of course, he asked if I was having my usual, and I told him that I was, but with ranch dressing and buffalo sauce.

So, as Winston was making my sandwich, he let me know that he was free this Saturday, and he hadn’t forgotten that I accepted his challenge to go bowling. I let him know that I would be all primed and ready to go. I also went on to let Winston know that I was helping the kiddies in the upcoming Christmas play at Carter Elementary, and I also let him know that I am participating as a supporting character. Well, imagine my surprise when Winston said that he would love to be there, even if he has to switch his schedule around.

Now, I want y’all to take notice: Winston has only known me for a little while, yet he knows that I am passionate about teaching, and he is willing to do everything humanly possible to see me in this Christmas play at Carter Elementary—this really means so much to me. As my dad once said: “A real man is always willing to sacrifice what he loves to support his woman.”

Well, from what I see, Winston is a real man!

Until next time, y’all take it easy, and I’ll holla at y’all tomorrow.



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