Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Failure Is NOT An Option!

Hi, Everyone!

Here it is—Day #2 of my classes, and lightning has struck twice in the same place.

I’m enjoying African Diaspora II, but the Geometry & Trigonometry is anything but a cakewalk. If I can take a quote from my Gramma Jewel, a horse has a better chance learning about Christmas than I do about these geometric shapes and stuff… Yes, it’s that bad.

Last night, I had a dream that I didn’t have to take this dang-blasted class anymore—that they just gave me an “A” for showing up one week. You could imagine the disappointment that I had when I woke up and realized that it was just a dream. I understand that math is essential in anything and everything, but I’m having a very difficult time figuring out how Geometry & Trigonometry is gonna help me be a kindergarten teacher. Granted, there are children who can solve these equations faster than your average astrophysicist, but just in case y’all missed what I said: Math has never been my forte! You can ask anyone in my family—Mom, Dad, Cousin Candace, Gramma Jewel, Aunt Glo—and they’ll all tell you: “Natasha has never been a fan of anything mathematic.”

I will say this, though: Failure is not an option!

I don’t care if I have to hire a tutor or stay after class to earn extra credit—I’ll be damned before I bring anything less than a “C” in my parents’ house. I may not like this class, but I’m gonna give it my all. I cannot, I shall not, I will not… I am not gonna fail this damn class!

And on that note, I will holla at y’all tomorrow.

Hugs & Kisses,

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