Friday, May 3, 2013

Finally, Friday Has Come Back!

Hi, Everyone!

I tell y’all—Friday couldn’t get here any quicker. Let me stress that I had a great week, but it kinda dragged around Wednesday, and it felt like it purposely slowed up on yesterday, but now that Friday is here, I can do like a certain wrestler/actor who recently celebrated a birthday and say:

So, classes are over, and I am so ready for the weekend. Right now, though, I’m in the library working on my paper for my Principles of Early Childhood Education class. I have to write a three-page paper about one teacher who had a positive influence on me. Now, check this out: The first teacher who popped into my mind was Mr. James Robinson. He was truly an excellent and influential teacher, but he was also my high school English teacher. I had already written two and a half pages on Mr. Robinson, and then I received a rather rude awakening. I plumb forgot that I am studying Elementary Education, so I had to change my paper altogether and think about an elementary school teacher who made a positively huge impact on my life.

And that’s when Mrs. Ingrid Martin, my kindergarten teacher, came to mind. My Grampa Clark aside, Mrs. Martin is part of the reason why I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. She was more than just a teacher—she was a mother of three, and coincidentally, she was her children’s kindergarten teacher; her youngest daughter was in my class… and now that I’m remembering all of this stuff, I have just completed my three-page pager. I’m looking over it now, and I see that I have gone the distance and typed an extra page and a half, just to be safe.

Thank God that He brought those things to my remembrance. Come on, now, y’all—it makes perfect sense to write about my kindergarten teacher, given the perfectly obvious signs that are right in front of my face. Well, on a second glance, I do have a habit of overthinking and overanalyzing things; it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do that. Overall, though, it’s good to know that I had all this knowledge about Mrs. Martin’s characteristics and teaching background… and now that I think about it, I’m gonna call her when I return to L.A. in a couple of weeks.

Well, y’all—I don’t wanna see another computer, until tomorrow, anyway… hahahaha! Y’all know I gotta post a Saturday blog—it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. In any event, I’m gonna head to my dorm and just chill out for a minute, but I’ll holla at y’all tomorrow. Take care.

Hugs & Kisses,

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