Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy #56, Mr. D!

Hi, Everyone!

First thing’s first: I want to wish a very special Happy 56th Birthday to my goduncle, my inspiration, and my favorite Minnesotan, Bret George Douglas—a.k.a. “Mr. D.”

You know what, I’m so excited for Mr. D and his 56th birthday—and he’s been on my mind all day today—that I’m just gonna dedicate today’s blog to him.

I’ve already told y’all that Mr. D is my Gramma Jewel’s next door neighbor of almost 30 years, which explains the tight familial bond betwixt us, but what I never told y’all is that Mr. D is a staunch, loyal, and dedicated patriarch. He is crazy about his wife Susie (Mrs. D, if you will) and his three children Howie, Lizzie, and Nikki.  Mr. D knew that he wanted to be a teacher, with the added incentive being a family birthright of sorts; his grandfather was a teacher, as was his mother.

Mr. D has taught kindergarteners at Wiley L. Sapp Elementary School ever since September 1993, having succeeded my Grampa Clark. Of course, I already told y’all that my Grampa Clark was very instrumental in helping Mr. D realize his dream. Incidentally, Mr. D had one other dream; he wanted to retire after Nikki, his youngest child, graduated from college. However, after several little children vocally declared that they had “the bestest Kindie-Garden teacher in the whole wide world,” Mr. D changed his mind and decided to teach kindergarteners for a little while longer.

Seeing as how today is Mr. D’s special day, I have a very special surprise for him. It’s no secret to family and close friends that Mr. D is a huge fan of Michael Bolton, so with that said, I’ve taken the liberty of singing a couple of verses to a song that I’m sure Mr. D knows all too well.

When love puts you through the fire, when love puts you to the test,
Nothing cures a broken heart like time, love, and tenderness.
Do you think your world is over? Well, just remember this:
Nothing heals a broken heart like time, love, and tenderness.

Once again: Happy 56th Birthday, Mr. D—I know you’re gonna celebrate it well, and I already know that God has blessed you, so I’ll just say: Love Ya Lots!

Hugs & Kisses,

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