Tuesday, May 19, 2015

An Exciting Revelation

Hey, Everybody!

I’m back with another blog post… and I know y’all got jokes out there. I’m sure someone is looking at this and thinking to themselves: “Wow, two blog posts in a row—that must be a new world’s record for the Vipress.”

I know y’all are thinking that, because I was thinking the same thing when I sat down at my computer… hahahaha!

Y’all ain’t gonna believe this (although some of you probably will), but I suffered from a senior moment yesterday evening. I almost forgot that I’m only taking one class during this summer session. I also forgot that final exams are next Thursday, and seeing as how I’m only taking one class, I only have one final!

Like I said yesterday: Y’all are lookin’ at one excited Vipress!

So, y’all already know what this means: I’m gonna be in the zone like never before. Yes, I know that I only have one final, but the last thing I need is to take it lightly. I don’t need to underestimate my studies—I’ve come too far to slip up and have it all taken away from me. With that said, I’m gonna start a study session sometime this weekend. Oh, and for the record, I am loving this Early Childhood Education class. I’ve learned a lot in such a short period of time… and incidentally, I finally heard from Mr. D’s daughter-in-law Jessica. She gave me some good pointers on how to be a great teacher, and she also suggested that I check out the Culver City Children’s Center when I return to L.A. next week. She said that she would put in a good word for me.

Now that I think about it, Jessica may have a great idea! I mean, think about it: I could work at my internship, and then volunteer some hours at the Culver City Children’s Center, and…


Well, I guess I’d better get going, but I’ll holla at y’all later. Until next time, y’all be good.

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