Thursday, May 7, 2015

Preparing My Peeps for the Inevitable

Hi, Everybody!
I promise y’all that I have a very valid reason why I haven’t been posting a lot of blog updates this week. You see, what had happened was… hahahaha!

But seriously, the truth of the matter is that I got hit with a lazy stick. As you know, I have only one class for Summer School, and it’s at 8am CST. After class is over, I’ve got all this free time to head to the library and study, and lately I’ve been hanging out with my peeps a lot. So, yeah—y’all really can’t blame a girl for getting a little lazy.

Speaking of my Rust College peeps, we got to talking this evening in the cafeteria, and we spoke at length about the inevitable—my eventual return to Southern Cali and my hiatus from college living until sometime in January 2016. I didn’t really want to talk about it, but I had to let Ruby, Theo, Craig, and Azalea know that they would have to hold down the fort until I return. Theo immediately let me know that college life would be quite boring without that Southern Cali flavor. I was flattered by Theo’s compliment, but I let everyone know that until I got back, Ruby was in charge.

Explain to me why everybody—Ruby included—said, “Aw, Hell!” Hahahahaha!

Like I mentioned last week, there’s no sense in trying to delay that which is inevitable, and my prolonging it would only make it worse, so in the end, it’s good that I talked it over with my peeps right then and there. And besides, I’ve got a good twenty-two days until I head back to Cali anyway—that’s a good three weeks to spend with my peeps out here in Bearcat Country.

Well, y’all, I guess I had better close up this here blog post, but I’ll be back wither tomorrow or Saturday to holla at y’all again… that is, if I don’t get lazy!


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