Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Two More Days 'Til Thanksgiving

Hi, Everyone!

Here it is, two days before Thanksgiving. I’m done with my Biology midterm, and I have my Intro to Computers midterm coming up in less than three hours. Let me tell y’all: That Biology midterm may have very well given me a run for my money. I ain’t lyin’—it’s a wonder that I remembered to write down my full name… hahaha! I’m not sayin’ that I did poorly; I’m merely expressing that I had to really put my memory to the test. Like my mom says: If I can remember the words and the rhythm to “Life of the Party” by Charlie Wilson, then surely I can pass that Biology midterm.

Well, we’ll find out the results next Monday.

So, I talked to Mom and Dad yesterday evening, and they told me that they are hosting this year’s Thanksgiving festivities. I only wish that I could be there to help Dad with the turkey… but there’s no sense in wishing; besides, I’ll be there for Christmas. It is also to my understanding that Gramma Jewel has taken in someone and welcomed them into their home. Whomever this individual is, I hope that they take into account that Gramma Jewel is genuinely warm and loving. Now that I think about it, I gotta call Gramma Jewel and find out for myself. As that dude said in the Dirty Harry movie: “Hey, I gotsta know!”

Well, guess what, y’all—I gotsta know what’s up!

As you can see, there’s not much news today. I’m pretty much packed up and ready to spend Thanksgiving with Great Aunt Donna ‘nim, but first, I’ve got to tie up a few more loose ends, and then I am done… oh, darn it—I just remembered that, according to the Rust College Catalog, the Thanksgiving Break begins after my last class. Well, my Intro to Computers class ends at 3pm CST, but there was a rumor around the campus that we may not have class tomorrow. Either way, I still have to call Cousin Mike and let him know the particulars. As a matter of fact, let me call him now, while I’m thinking about it.

Take care, y’all!

Hugs & Kisses,

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