Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Special Surprise from My Sweetie Pie

Hi, Everyone!

Well, it’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I just got the sweetest letter from my Southern Cali sweetie—Ray Hernandez. I find this kinda ironic, considering that I have a mystery man up here at Rust who is admiring me from afar.

Anyway, in this particular letter, Ray makes mention that he hasn’t heard from me in a while, and vice-versa, so he decided to catch up with me to see how I’m doing, and to send me a copy of a picture that we had taken over the summer. And I must say that it’s a really cute picture of us together; it’s a picture of the two of us at the Santa Monica Pier, and I look like I’m in Heaven, don’t I… hahaha! I mean, the way that Ray has his arms around my waist, and the fact that I’m kinda nuzzled up close to him, and I look like I’m just melting—y’all can’t blame me for feeling how I felt that afternoon!

But I digress.

I’m actually glad that Ray is still thinking of me, considering that I’m halfway across the country. And no, that does not mean that I haven’t been thinking about him—it just means that I’ve been occupying my time with what truly matters such as my studies and my life as a Rustite. For instance, next weekend is Rust College Founders’ Day, and considering the fun that I had last year, y’all can just as well bet that I’m gonna repeat it this go-round. As a matter of fact, I need to call Auntie Gladys and see if she’s coming up here next weekend; it would be cool to hand out with her for Founders’ Day. I already know that Gramma Jewel won’t be able to make it, but I do have to wonder if Great Aunt Reesie will show up as well.

And again, I digress.

Well, if y’all will excuse me, I had better get to writing a reply to my Southern Cali sweetie pie. I’ll holla at y’all on Monday, but until then, y’all have a great rest-of-the-weekend.

Hugs & Kisses,

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