Friday, October 25, 2013

Still In Search of Mystery Man

Happy Friday, Everybody!

Yes, as y’all can see, today’s Freestyle Friday blog post is dedicated to my secret admirer, whoever he may be.

I’m sorry, y’all—I know that I should let this go, but I can’t help being a curious little kitten. And yes, I am aware of the metaphor that I used, and I am also aware of what curiosity did to the cat, but yet and still, I’m like that man in the Dirty Harry movie: I GOTSTA KNOW!!!

I’ve been retracing my steps and taking everything at face value—I’ve been acting like a detective for real, y’all. So, let’s see what we know so far: It is already etched in stone that the mystery man is a fellow Rustite, and we know that he personally handed this sweet little letter to Ruby. And there’s the obvious clue—Ruby knows who my mystery man is, but she gave him her word that she would not spill the beans; she wants me to be legitimately surprised.

With that said, my mind is racing over who this fella could be, and I’m gonna drive myself crazy if I keep thinking about it. What do you do when you’ve got only so many clues to go on? And let’s not forget, Ruby has been sworn to secrecy. Now, while I do respect that Ruby’s keeping her word, I also understand that she is like a sister to me, and this suspense is just downright dirty!

Yet and still, Ruby ain’t sayin’ a word. I do admire her adamant consistency, though.

Well, there’s really nothing else for me to do right now—and hell, I’ve been reading this same damn letter ever since Wednesday. Like I said the other day, this guy has to be a true gentleman on account of the songs that he used to describe how he feels about little ol’ me… yes, I’m blushing again, but you can’t blame me—I’m still not used to having admirers and all.

Okay, y’all—time for me to close up this blog post and call it a day. I shall return tomorrow with another blog post, but until then, y’all take care and have a great one!

Hugs & Kisses,

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