Friday, March 15, 2013

A Quick Update Before My Next Class

Hi, Everyone!

I’ve got a little time to talk before my Grammar & Comp II class, so here we go.

I was up until one o’clock this morning (CST) working on my research paper, and it is officially complete! I printed it out and put it in a nice cover, and just to be safe, I printed another copy, just in case something happened to the first one.

I’ve been tellin’ y’all from Day One that I’m very thorough… okay, it may be closer to obsessive compulsive disorder, but y’all don’t know how hard I’ve worked on this dang-blasted paper. I can’t afford a loss of any kind; I’ve come too far from where I’ve started!

I should be resting right now, but I’m too wired up. Once I turn this paper in, though, I’m gonna be a lot less tense, and then I’ll be able to concentrate on my speech this afternoon, in which I’m supposed to talk about three personal vices. I already know what you all are thinking: “Is Ray one of your vices?” Let me answer that question directly: No, Ray is not a vice—he’s a really sweet guy whom I haven’t really talked much about lately, and that’s only because I’ve been concentrating heavily on my studies. Anyway, I’m not gonna say that I don’t have any vices, but I will say that I can’t think of any offhand… then again, I know that I can be a bit boastful at times. That’s a vice if there ever was one.

Well, I gotta get going; it’s almost time for Grammar & Comp II. Y’all say a prayer for me—not so much that I get a good grade on my research paper (we already know that’s gonna happen), but that I will get through this day in one piece. I really feel like I’ve been spreading myself too thin.

Until next time, love ya lots!

Hugs & Kisses,

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