Thursday, March 28, 2013

I Have No Class!

Hi, Everyone!

Just in case you misread the title of today’s blog, let me assure you that you did not. Yes, it’s true: I, Natasha Renee Stewart, have no class today and tomorrow!

Now, just in case some of you read too much into that statement, let me assure you that I do have class—it’s just that, as far as my academic career is concerned, my classes are postponed until Monday, April 1, 2013. I’m almost certain that a good number of you were like: “Wait, hold up—Tasha ain’t got no class? I thought she was raised on high morals and respect!” Well, don’t worry, y’all—I may be a Vipress, but I’m not that far gone… hahahaha!

Well, anyway, since I am free of academics for the next couple of days, I think it’s time for a little vacation, per se. I just made a call to Memphis, Tennessee and called my Auntie Gladys—and check this out: Before I could even ask her if I could stay with her, she asks me: “What time do you want me to come get’cha, Girlie?”

Great minds really do think alike!

With that said, I’m packing a couple of clothes just for the weekend, and I also have a dress to wear for Easter… excuse me, Resurrection Sunday. And while I’m thinking about it, I just may write a special Resurrection Sunday blog; after all, this is gonna be my first Easter without my Cali fam, and I know y’all would like to know what it’s like to have a Southern Resurrection Sunday church experience.

By the way, my speech instructor said yesterday afternoon that our “major” speech will be postponed until April 1—the reason being that tomorrow is Good Friday. That’s a good enough reason, if you ask me. Besides, I need a little more work on my speech—I reckon I’ll try it out on Auntie Gladys and see if she likes it.

Well, y’all, that’s gonna do it for today. Let me go ahead and finish packin’ up this miniature bag, and I’ll be hollin’ at y’all on tomorrow.

Hugs & Kisses,

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