Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Sweetie Pie!

Hi, Everyone!

First thing’s first: I would like to wish a Happy 19th Birthday to my fellow LaBon High School alumnus and current sweetie pie, Ray Hernandez. May God continue to bless and keep you, and may His Grace always shine upon you.

Y’all already know that I called him and wished him a Happy #19… I actually called him about an hour ago. I sang “Happy Birthday” to him ala Marilyn Monroe, just to see how he would react. Would you believe it—Ray actually said: “Gee, Marilyn—that was quite alluringly sexy, if I say so myself.”

I was quite flattered, to say the least, and I thanked him for the compliment.

Ray then went on to tell me that he would like nothing more than to hang out with me today, but his mom and dad had some big plans for him. I told him that I completely understood where he was coming from—after all, I know all too well that family is very precious, seeing as how I’ve been away from L.A. for a total of eight months… and that’s still another topic for another day. I will talk about that sometime this week—I promise!

But anyway, as I was saying earlier: Ray and I talked about getting together for a date this Saturday, and I am definitely all for it. Besides, now that I’m back home (albeit for the summer), I want to pick up where we left off a couple months ago. As you know, Ray and I had our first date during the Christmas vacation, and we shared a sweet kiss up at Griffith Park Observatory on literally the day before I was set to go back to Rust. Despite not seeing each other for such a long period of time, we did keep in touch with a letter here and a card there. And of course, Ray did surprise me on my birthday, and he made me feel even more special on Valentine’s Day. But since I’m home now, I gotta wonder: Is it time for me and Ray to take this thing to a… WHOLE NUTHA LEVEL???

Hahahaha! I ain’t said that in a while, don’tcha know!

Well, anyway, Ray and I are going out this Saturday to talk about… us.  Y’all already know that he was all I thought about while I was away—in terms of a potential boyfriend, I mean. And y’all already know that I’m going out this afternoon to get him a birthday present. Of course, it’s gotta come from the heart, and when Ray sees it, he’s gonna know that I thought so much of him.

Say a prayer for the both of us; I’ve already sent some prayers up myself.

Hugs & Kisses,

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