Monday, June 10, 2013

Kickin' Off Monday, Vipress Style!

Happy Monday, Y’all!

So, today is Monday, June 10, 2013, and I’m up rather early for some reason… then again, I’m usually up around this time anyway. I reckon the jetlag has worn off by now. I still have that “stranger in a foreign land” feeling on account of my experiences as an out-of-state college student, but it’s not as strong as it was back in December.

So, my mom and dad have gone off to work, and they’ve left me in charge. They’ve also given me some extra responsibilities; they told me that they didn’t have a problem with me leaving the house, so long as I call one or the other and let them know. With that said, I’m heading back up to the mall this afternoon, then I’m gonna go to the library and work on my home movie. That’s right, y’all—Natasha Stewart’s gonna finally make her long-awaited movie debut! This is a project that I’ve been planning for the past six months. If you recall, I made mention that I wanted to make a home movie over the Christmas vacation, but was unable to do so in such a short time. However, seeing as how I have three full months of summer vacation, there’s nothing that can keep me from making my home movie… well, there’s one thing that can stop me; it’s called complacency. I ain’t gonna get complacent, though—I’m gonna do like my Grampa Clark and use my full ass!

It’s funny how some things work out for the better, don’t they? Then again, the apostle Paul gave us a reminder in Romans 8:28!

Most of my home movie project will be completed when we visit my Auntie Cherri and Uncle Alex for our Fourth of July party… and that reminds me: I gotta call Auntie Cherri and ask her what color pattern she’s gonna go with. I know she mentioned going all patriotic, but she also mentioned decorating the backyard with orange, yellow, and purple. I’m gonna call her this evening and see if she’s made her mind up about the color scheme.

In other news, I have received yet another blessing, y’all! This Friday is the last day of school for Sapp Elementary, and Gramma Jewel has granted my request to come along with her and celebrate. Y’all are lookin’ at one happy Vipress… hahaha! Besides, this is a great opportunity to speak to the principal about a possible internship at Sapp Elementary, not to mention that I’ve got several family ties at the home of the Sappsters. And hell, who knows? Time will only tell us, but it won’t be long before I start teaching at Sapp Elementary. I prefer to teach the kindergarteners, but I’m flexible—I can teach up to Fourth Grade.

Well, that’s enough of a blog for today, y’all. I’m gonna close it up for today and get ready for this day that The Lord has made for me to rejoice and be glad in. I shall holla at y’all tomorrow, but until then, y’all have good rest-of-the-day.

Hugs & Kisses,

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